张子然,朱曦,唐鸿芳.有机秩序视阈下的城市公园公共设施设计方法[J].包装工程,2024,45(12):371-385, 424.
Methods for Designing Public Facilities in Urban Parks from the Perspective of Organic Order
中文关键词: 有机秩序  城市公园  公共设施  设计方法  人性化
英文关键词: organic order  urban parks  public facilities  design methods  user-centric
张子然 上海工程技术大学上海 201620 
朱曦 上海视觉艺术学院上海 201620 
唐鸿芳 上海视觉艺术学院上海 201620 
      目的 城市公园作为典型室外公共空间之一,其使用者的多样性、空间环境的复杂性、时间变化的异质性等不确定因素,往往给设计师们带来巨大的挑战。在连续不断的时间中,探究使用者的空间行为规律,并根据其行为特征提出可供设计师参考的,具有实践价值的理论依据。方法 从城市公园有机秩序出发,应用分时行为地图注记法,按不同时间层段研究城市公园空间中的用户行为。结果 通过对上海市内不同行政区划的14个公园展开为期半年(共计2 538人次)的田野调查,发现了各类用户行为与设施设计间的“错位”问题,提出公园公共设施设计应在原有追求局部设计人性化的基础上,对于跨时间段的空间及其公共设施设计进行优化,尊重空间使用者的使用逻辑及其活动时间秩序规律的有机秩序化设计方法。同时,通过归纳分析构建了城市公园宏、中、微观有机秩序模式,解析有机秩序时间分层段结构的空间行为。结论 公园中公共设施的有机秩序化设计能长期有效地满足不同时段不同用户的需求,并通过设计鼓励促进空间中小群活动的产生,同时带动空间活动达到理想的有机秩序的状态。有机秩序化设计关注的是随着时间变化而持续产生的“人性化”设计体验,是对于原本“人性化”设计理念的提升。
      Urban parks, as one of the typical outdoor public spaces, often pose significant challenges for designers due to the diversity of their users, the complexity of the spatial environment, and the heterogeneity of temporal changes. The work aims to continuously explore the spatial behavioral patterns of park users and propose theoretical foundations with practical value for designers based on their behavioral characteristics. The user behavior in urban park spaces was studied with the time-based behavioral mapping approach from the perspective of organic order. As a result of a six-month field investigation (with a total of 2 538 participants) conducted in 14 parks across different administrative districts in Shanghai, various "misalignments" were identified between user behavior and facility design. It was suggested that the design of public park facilities should, on the basis of the existing pursuit of localized humanization, optimize the design of spatial and public facilities across different time periods, respecting the organic order of users' spatial logic and activity time sequence. Additionally, through inductive analysis, an organic order model for urban parks at macro, meso, and micro levels was constructed, providing an analytical framework for the temporal segmentation structure of organic order in spatial behavior. In conclusion, the organic order design of public facilities in parks can effectively meet the needs of different users at different time, encourage the generation of small group activities within the space, and achieve an ideal state of organic order in spatial activities. Organic order design focuses on the continuous generation of "user-centric" design experiences over time, representing an enhancement of the original concept of "user-centric" design.
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