赵得成,张彩香,马林耀,魏文瑾.场域视角下乡土工艺的传承与创新设计研究[J].包装工程,2024,(18):131-138. |
场域视角下乡土工艺的传承与创新设计研究 |
Inheritance and Innovation Design of Local Craftsmanship from a Field Perspective |
投稿时间:2024-04-05 |
DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2024.18.014 |
中文关键词: 场域视角 位育性 乡土工艺 黄河水车 二维矩阵映射模型 |
英文关键词: field perspective regional adaptation local craftsmanship Yellow River waterwheel two-dimensional matrix mapping model |
基金项目:服务宁夏九大产业专项(FWNX31) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 民间工艺大都与所处的地域环境相适宜,是天人合一的位育性产物。在传统工艺振兴和生态文明建设并重时期,从场域视角出发,将生态位育思想和文化人类学相结合,通过一定场域内各元素的组合关系进行分析,是探求民间工艺传承与创新的新思路。方法 以黄河上游典型传统农耕器具黄河水车为例,通过田野调查和地方县志的查阅,深入分析黄河水车产生之前的场域因素和人地矛盾,重点对黄河水车所在地域中场域元素之间的作用关系进行解析,厘清场域元素之间的各类映射关系,构建基于地域场域元素分析的二维矩阵映射模型。结果 将传统工艺的地域二维矩阵映射模型转化为生态设计模型,寻求特定地域场域中传统器具现代生态设计的转型机会,最终提出基于场域理论和文化位育特性的传统工艺创新设计基本方法。结论 该案例研究对黄河流域民间工艺的传承创新、乡村振兴乃至黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展具有重要意义,基于地域场域元素的二维矩阵映射分析法对地域性生态设计具有方法论指导价值。 |
英文摘要: |
Most local crafts are particularly suited to the specific regional environment in which they originate. They are the result of the harmonious relationship between nature and humans, and are currently in a phase where the revitalization of traditional crafts and the construction of an ecological civilization are equally prioritized. The work aims to combine the principles of ecological adaptation characteristics and anthropology to explore the transmission and innovation of local craftsmanship through investigating the combination of variables inside a particular region. With the Yellow River waterwheel, a typical farming tool used in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, as an example, by conducting field surveys and reviewing local county records, the study thoroughly analyzed the factors related to farming and the conflicts between humans and the local ecosystem that existed prior to the invention of the Yellow River waterwheel. The relationship between the field elements in the area where the Yellow River waterwheel was located were mainly analyzed. And different types of mapping relationships between these elements were classified. A two-dimensional matrix mapping model was constructed based on the analysis of the regional field elements. The regional two-dimensional matrix mapping model of local crafts was transformed into an eco-design model to seek transformational opportunities for contemporary eco-design of traditional tools within a specific field. Finally, a fundamental method to local craftsmanship innovation design was proposed based on field theory and cultural adaptation. In conclusion, this case study is highly significant for the inheritance and innovation of local craftsmanship in the Yellow River Basin, the revitalization of rural communities, and the conservation of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development in the same region. Applying a two-dimensional matrix mapping analysis methodology, which is based on regional field elements, offers valuable guidance for regional ecological design. |
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