Research on Application of Traditional Pottery Form in Design of Glass Wine Bottles
投稿时间:2011-03-02  修订日期:2011-05-20
中文关键词: 古代陶瓷  形态特点  酒瓶设计  结合思路
英文关键词: ancient ceramics  morphological characteristics  design of wine bottles  combined ideas
基金项目:重庆市教委科学技术研究项目 (KJ090902)
詹文瑶 四川美术学院重庆 400053 
      从古代开始陶瓷器就是酒的最好载体, 陶瓷和酒形成了密不可分的关系, 借鉴古代陶瓷器皿造型特点, 运用在现代酒瓶包装设计中是可行的, 可以成为酒容器设计的新思路,提出了借鉴古代陶器造型的原则, 运用重心与平衡、 局部与整体、 次序与节奏的视觉原理, 审美性与实用性的双重性, 对酒玻璃品瓶的借鉴设计进行总体的控制和把握, 在此基础上提出了借鉴的设计思路, 介绍了这一思路具体的设计方式和运用方法, 并对成功的实列进行了分析,以求抛砖引玉的功效。
      From ancient times, ceramics is the best carrier of wine. Wine and ceramics have formed a close relationship. According to the features of ancient pottery forms, it′s feasible that we can use it in the packaging design for modern wine bottles. It put forward the principle of using the shape of ancient pottery for reference. Under the use of the center of gravity and balance, part and whole, order and rhythm of visual theory, the dual character of aesthetics and practicality, it could control and grasp the overall of reference design for the wine glass bottles. On the basis of design ideas, it put forward the design idea of using for reference, introduced the way of design and application of this specific design method, and analyzed some living examples successfully. So it could get the effect of throwing out a brick to attract a jade.
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