See the Japan′s Creative Packaging Design from Excessive Decoration of Products Packaging
投稿时间:2015-07-27  修订日期:2015-12-20
中文关键词: 产品包装  过度装饰  日本  包装创意设计
英文关键词: product packaging  excessive decoration  Japan  creative packaging design
基金项目:2014年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(14YJC760061); 2013国家社科基金艺术学专项(13CB122); 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程资助项目 (PAPD)
王玮 南京林业大学南京 210037 
吴智慧 南京林业大学南京 210037 
      目的 研究产品包装艺术创新的原则及方法。方法 以日本现代包装设计理念为基础, 通过产品包装设计过程中包装材料、 包装结构、 包装技术及包装理念的创新手法, 以及产品包装艺术创意中产品包装设计与装饰艺术之间关系的分析, 可以得出产品包装设计过程中 “过度装饰” 导致产品包装浪费资源、 污染环境、 误导消费等。结论 通过借鉴日本包装设计的成功案例, 在产品包装过程中提供一些创新手法, 使其能够吸引消费者眼球、 传达产品的理念、 产生品牌识别效应、 延续民族文化、 保护自然环境、 节约资源等, 从而为我国包装产品的开发和包装设计的创新寻找新的设计思路。
      It aims to study the principles and method of product packaging art innovation. The method is based on the Japanese modern packaging design concept,through product packaging design in the process of packaging materials, packaging structure, packaging technology and packaging concept innovation technique,through the analysis of the intricate relationship between product packaging design and decoration art,can draw the product packaging design in the process of the "excessive decoration" lead to waste, product packaging resources and pollute the environment,misleading consumption phenomenon. With reference to the successful case of Japanese packaging design, to provide some innovative techniques in the packaging process, so that it can attract consumers eyeball, convey the product concept, brand recognition effect, the continuation of the national culture and protecting the natural environment, saving resources and other effects,so new design ideas and implementation are searched for our packaging products development and packaging design innovation spirit.
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