周贤永,梁雅淇,刘凤,唐志红.基于设计思考和 TRIZ 的画架便携一体式画箱设计[J].包装工程,2018,39(14):23-28.
基于设计思考和 TRIZ 的画架便携一体式画箱设计
Portable and Integrated Paint Box Design Based on Design Thinking and TRIZ
投稿时间:2018-01-12  修订日期:2018-07-20
中文关键词: 设计思考  TRIZ  矛盾矩阵  便携一体式画箱
英文关键词: design thinking  TRIZ  contradiction matrix  a portable and integrated paint box
基金项目:科技部创新方法工作专项项目(2015IM040200) ;科技部创新方法工作专项项目(2017IM010700);四川省科技基础条件平台项目(2018TJPT0014)
周贤永 西南交通大学成都 610031 
梁雅淇 西南交通大学成都 610031 
刘凤 西南交通大学成都 610031 
唐志红 西南交通大学成都 610031 
      目的 画箱是绘画爱好者的必备器具,它可装载大量绘画工具,但其携带较为不便。方法 提出分析和解决流程,挖掘作画人员的真实需求,采用 TRIZ 的最终理想解(IFR)和技术矛盾工具,分析现有作画工具使用过程中存在的技术矛盾。并应用矛盾矩阵,结合情境类比等相关方法,提出解决技术矛盾的初步概念方案。在综合各个初步概念方案的基础上,开发设计一款集画架、画箱、行李箱为一体的便携式画箱。该一体式画箱即可满足作画人员对于绘画工具多样性的需要,又可轻松携带和移动,具有良好的应用前景。
      Paint Box is a kind of important tool for those who are interested in painting, and it could contain a lot of painting instruments. However, it is not convenient to take and move. It puts forward the analysis and solution process, excavates the real needs of the painter, and uses the final ideal solution (IFR) and the technical contradiction tool of TRIZ to analyze the technical contradictions in the use of the existing drawing tools. By applying contradiction matrix and context analogy, a preliminary conceptual plan for resolving technical contradictions is proposed. On the basis of synthesizing all the preliminary conceptual plans, a portable paint box with an easel, a paint box and a trunk is developed and designed. It can meet the needs of painting personnel for the diversity of painting tools, and can also carry and move easily, and has good application prospects.
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