Application of Commercial Illustration Design in Modern Packaging Design
投稿时间:2018-05-19  修订日期:2018-09-20
中文关键词: 现代包装  商业插图  设计应用
英文关键词: modern packaging  commercial illustrations  design applications
刘珂艳 上海工程技术大学上海 201620 
      目的 探索商业插图的表现语言和特征,以及现代包装设计是如何结合产品定位,运用不同风格商业插图的表现形式,以提升产品包装的艺术效果的。方法 通过包装设计中商业插图表现手法的归纳分析,结合当前包装设计的优秀案例,分析不同类别插图设计的表现优势,根据不同产品消费者的定位来选择合适的插图表现手法,从而归纳商业插图设计在包装设计中的运用形式及方法。结论 包装设计中的商业插图有具象风格、抽象风格、立体效果插图,多样化的艺术表现形式各具特色,加上3D雕刻及3D打印技术的广泛应用,使商业插图视觉效果更为丰富,适用于不同消费者定位的产品包装艺术设计表现,同时在商品流通过程中承载着文化交流、引领大众审美情趣的多重功能,通过强化产品视觉冲击力和注意力来吸引了产品聚焦定位的消费者。
      The work aims to explore the expressional language and characteristics of commercial illustrations, and how the modern packaging design combines product positioning and applies different styles of commercial illustrations to enhance the artistic effect of product package. Through the inductive analysis of the commercial illustrations in the packaging design, combined with the current excellent cases of packaging design, the performance advantages of different categories of illustration design were analyzed. The appropriate illustrations were chosen according to the positioning of different product consumers, so as to summarize the application forms and methods of commercial illustration design in the packaging design. The commercial illustrations in the packaging design have figurative style, abstract style and three-dimensional effect. With the distinctively diverse artistic expressions and the wide application of 3D engraving and 3D printing technology, the commercial illustrations become more visually applicable for different consumer-oriented product packaging art design performances, and carry multiple functions in the process of commodity circulation, such as cultural communication and leading the public’s aesthetic appeal. These illustrations can attract the above-mentioned customers by strengthening the product visual impact and attention.
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