Perception Experience Based on Smoothness in Smartphone Operation
投稿时间:2020-02-28  修订日期:2020-06-20
中文关键词: 交互操作流畅度  单次丢帧数  丢帧次数  丢帧间隔  生理电数据
英文关键词: smoothness in interactive operation  single frame-loss number  frame-loss time  frame-loss interval  physiological data
谭征宇 1.湖南大学 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室长沙 4100822.湖南大学 设计艺术学院长沙 410082 
刘笑 2.湖南大学 设计艺术学院长沙 410082 
陈军 3.华为技术有限公司消费者BG上海 200040 
李付生 3.华为技术有限公司消费者BG上海 200040 
      目的 研究在手机交互过程中,影响用户对交互操作流畅度感知体验的因素以及它们是如何影响的。方法 采用主观MOS评分、客观生理数据验证评分有效性的研究方法。用户通过滑动微博列表,对单次丢帧下不同丢帧数的序列和多次丢帧下不同丢帧次数、丢帧间隔的多个丢帧序列进行流畅度感知评分,经过生理数据的验证和筛选,得到用户的有效评分,并对有效评分进行统计学数据分析。结果 通过方差分析得到三个因素对于流畅度感知的影响的显著性,通过回归分析得到具有显著影响的因素和流畅度感知评分之间的定量拟合公式。结论 单次丢帧数和丢帧次数对用户交互操作流畅度感知有显著影响;而丢帧间隔的影响并不显著,可能受到实验素材设计影响。具体的丢帧策略和设计建议可以用于指导开发者对于手机软硬件的开发。
      The work aims to study factors that affect user’s perception experience of smoothness in smartphone operation and examine how these factors exert the influence. The subjective MOS score and objective physiological data were used to verify the research method of score validity. By swiping the list of Weibo, the smoothness perception score was carried out on the sequence of different frame-loss numbers in single frame-loss, different frame-loss times in multiple frame-losses and multiple frame-loss sequence in intervals. After verification and screening of physiological data, the effective scores of users were obtained, and analyzed statistically. The significance of the influence of the three factors on smoothness perception was obtained through variance analysis, and the quantitative fitting formula between the factors with significant influence and smoothness perception score was obtained through regression analysis. Single frame-loss number and frame-loss time significantly affect the user perception of smoothness in smartphone operation, but the frame-loss interval does not because of the effect of experimental material design. Finally, frame-loss strategy and design suggestions can be used to guide the developer to develop the smartphone software and hardware.
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